Zitat: Ursprünglich eingetragen von J.-M. Wagner
Hatten Sie inzwischen Gelegenheit, sich dem beschriebenen Problem des Filterausstiegs anzunehmen, lieber Herr Kukulies?
Lieber Herr Wagner,
manchmal dauert es länger als einem lieb ist. Die von Ihnen angegebene URL funktioniert jetzt (halbwegs). Ich mußte erst warten, bis der Autor eines Softwarepakets, das ich benutze, den Fehler ausgebaut hatte. Insofern hat Ihre Fehlermeldung auch dazu beigetragen, daß das Paket http_fetcher fehlerfreier wurde.
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 15:59:51 -0400 (EDT)
From: Lyle Hanson
Subject: Re: my libhttp_fetcher problem
To: Christoph Kukulies
Cc: HTTP Fetcher dev list
I have discovered the problem. Apparently http-fetcher was not sending
RFC-compliant CRLF linebreaks. I have fixed this problem in the 2.0.0
tree, if you want that version I have a pre-release tarball sitting at:
The API for this release is different, and you'll need to change your
existing code slightly.
If you'd prefer to stick with the 1.0.x code, I have a patch for
http-fetcher 1.0.2 that fixes this problem. I may release 1.0.3 with this
patch (along with another minor item or two), but for now you can get the
fix here:
Let me know if you have any further issues or comments. I'll be happy to
Thanks again for the report,
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> Hi,
> did you already receive my email with the problem of the URL
> I could not fetch with http_fetcher?
> It is
> fetch http://www.adobe.de/print/columns/siebert/20000605.html
> with fetch.c being:
> #include
> #include http_fetcher.h
> int argc;
> char **argv;
> {
> char **cp;
> int groesse;
> if(http_setUserAgent(NULL)!= 0 )
> http_perror(http_strerror()),exit(3);
> groesse= http_fetch(argv[1], cp);
> fprintf(stderr,%s, %d\n,argv[1],groesse);
> if(0 >= groesse) {
> http_perror(http_strerror()),exit(2);
> }
> }
> It hangs for minutes and then exits somewhere down in http_fetch.
> So it does not return to my program.
> --
> Christoph Kukulies
Christoph Kukulies