Re: Re: Fragen
Der weltberühmte Professor Dr. Theodor Ickler veröffentlichte eine Liste der Professoren, die gegen die Rechtschreibreform waren (und vielleicht noch immer sind).
Professor Dr. Günter Ahrends, Bochum
Professor Dr. Rüdiger Ahrens, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Mechthild Albert, Münster
Professor Dr. Michael von Albrecht, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Hans Peter Althaus, Trier
Professor Dr. Walter Ameling, Jena
Professor Dr. Thomas Anz, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Walter Apelt, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Heinz Ludwig Arnold, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Helmut Arntzen, Münster
Professor Dr. John Ole Askedal, Oslo
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Babilas, Münster
Professor Dr. Gerhard Bach, Bremen
Professor Dr. Peter Bachmann, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Matthias Baltes, Münster
Professor Dr. Alfred Bammesberger, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Wilfried Barner, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Roger Bauer, München
Professor Dr. Gerhart Baumann, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Walter Baumgartner, Greifswald
Professor Dr. Josef Bayer, Jena
Professor Dr. Heinz Bechert, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Jürgen von Beckerath, Münster
Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Behr, Braunschweig
Professor Dr. Günter Bellmann, Mainz
Professor Dr. Wolfgang F. Bender, Münster
Professor Dr. Lore Benz, Kiel
Professor Dr. Jürg J. Berns, Marburg
Professor Dr. Helmut Berschin, Gießen
Professor Dr. Walter Berschin, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Karl Bertau, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Albrecht Betz, Aachen
Professor Dr. Giuseppe Bevilacqua, Florenz
Professor Dr. Klaus Beyer, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Manfred Bierwisch, Berlin
Professor Dr. Martin Bircher, Genf
Professor Dr. Klaus Bitterling, Berlin
Professor Dr. Günther Blaicher, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Walter Blank, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Gustav Blanke, Mainz
Professor Dr. Werner Bleyhl, Ludwigsburg
Professor Dr. Marie-Odile Blum, Université de Provence
Professor Dr. Horst-Dieter Blume, Münster
Professor Dr. Hartmut Bobzin, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Winfried Boeder, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Marin Bollacher, Bochum
Professor Dr. Dieter Borchmeyer, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Karl Heinz Borck, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Norbert Boretzky, Bochum
Professor Dr. Raimund Borgmeier, Gießen
Professor Dr. Klaus Börner, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Bernhard Böschenstein, Genf
Professor Dr. Renate Böschenstein, Genf
Professor Dr. Helga Brandes, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Alois Brandstetter, Klagenfurt
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Brandt, Marburg
Professor Dr. Friedrich Braun, Berlin
Professor Dr. Ludwig Braun, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Eva Braun-Holzinger, Mainz
Professor Dr. Manfred Brauneck, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Braungart, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Hartmut Breitkreuz, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Rolf Breuer, Paderborn
Professor Dr. Dietrich Briesemeister, Berlin
Professor Dr. Klaus Bruhn, Berlin
Professor Dr. Franz Brunhölzl, München
Professor Dr. Horst Brunner, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Winfried Bühler, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Gerhard Buhr, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Christa Bürger, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Peter Bürger, Bremen
Professor Dr. Ulrich Busch, Kiel
Professor Dr. Hubert Cancik, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Jean Caudmont, Gießen
Professor Dr. Tsung-Tung Chang, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Jean Charu, Université de Bourgogne
Professor Dr. Hildegard Chatellier, Straßburg
Professor Dr. Elisabeth Chevré, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Martin Christadler, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Carl Joachim Classen, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Rahul Peter Das, Halle-Wittenberg
Professor Dr. August Dauses, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Günther Debon, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Horst Denkler, Berlin
Professor Dr. Yvon Desportes, Paris
Professor Dr. Heinrich Detering, Kiel
Professor Dr. Manfred Dick, Mainz
Professor Dr. Manfred Dierks, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Albert Dietrich, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Manfried Dietrich, Münster
Professor Dr. Wolf Dietrich, Münster
Professor Dr. Klaus Dietz, Münster
Professor Dr. Albrecht Dihle, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Peter Dinzelbacher, Salzburg
Professor Dr. Ernst Doblhofer, Kiel
Professor Dr. Horst Dölvers, Berlin
Professor Dr. Siegmar Döpp, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Jürgen Dummer, Jena
Professor Dr. Eberhard Dünninger, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Klaus Düwel, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Karen H. Ebert, Zürich
Professor Dr. Dietz Otto Edzard, München
Professor Dr. Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers, Berlin
Professor Dr. Trude Ehlert, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Konrad Ehlich, München
Professor Dr. Ottfrid Ehrismann, Gießen
Professor Dr. Karl Eibl, München
Professor Dr. Heide Eilert, Leipzig
Professor Dr. Peter Eisenberg, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Herbert Eisenberger, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Theo Elm, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Emmerich, Bremen
Professor Dr. Eva J. Engel, Wolfenbüttel
Professor Dr. Elisabeth Erdmann, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Willi Erzgräber, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Bernhard Fabian, Münster
Professor Dr. Heinz Fähnrich, Jena
Professor Dr. Klaus Faiß, Mainz
Professor Dr. Georgios Fatouros, Berlin
Professor Dr. Gerhard Fecht, Berlin
Professor Dr. Leonhard M. Fiedler, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Lothar Fietz, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Ernst O. Fink, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Hermann Fischer, Mannheim
Professor Dr. Hans Fix, Greifswald
Professor Dr. Hellmut Flashar, München
Professor Dr. Klaus Flessel, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Bernhard Forssman, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Jean Fourquet, Paris
Professor Dr. Herbert Franke, München
Professor Dr. Martin Franzbach, Bremen
Professor Dr. Rudolf Freudenberg, Marburg
Professor Dr. Hartmut Freytag, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Wiebke Freytag, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Heinz Friedrich, München
Professor Dr. Wolf-Hartmut Friedrich, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Axel Fritz, Østfold
Professor Dr. Hans Fromm, München
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Frühwald, München
Professor Dr. Helmut Fuhrmann, Kassel
Professor Dr. Manfred Fuhrmann, Konstanz
Professor Dr. Ulrich Fülleborn, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Bernhard Gajek, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Gustav Gamer, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Ingrid Gamer-Wallert, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Kurt Gärtner, Trier
Professor Dr. Michael Gassenmeier, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Gauger, Berlin
Professor Dr. Walter Gebhard, Bayreuth
Professor Dr. Horst Geckeler, Münster
Professor Dr. Eberhard Geisler, Mainz
Professor Dr. Yushu Geng, Peking/München
Professor Dr. Armin Geraths, Berlin
Professor Dr. Dietrich Gerhardt, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Rudolf Germer, Köln
Professor Dr. Joachim Gessinger, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Hans Geulen, Münster
Professor Dr. Angelika Geyer, Jena
Professor Dr. Albert Gier, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Gerhard Giesemann, Gießen
Professor Dr. Helmut Gipper, Münster
Professor Dr. Jost Gippert, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Horst Albert Glaser, Essen
Professor Dr. Klaus Gloy, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Helmut Glück, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Helmut Gneuss, München
Professor Dr. Christian Gnilka, Münster
Professor Dr. Heinz Gockel, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Maurice Godé, Montpellier
Professor Dr. Gerhard Goebel, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Hans Goebl, Salzburg
Professor Dr. Karl Heinz Göller, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Herbert Göpfert, München
Professor Dr. Woldemar Görler, Saarbrücken
Professor Dr. Joachim Göschel, Marburg
Professor Dr. Erhart Graefe, Münster
Professor Dr. Artur Greive, Köln
Professor Dr. Günther Grewendorf, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Jürgen Grimm, Münster
Professor Dr. Reinhard Grimm, Jena
Professor Dr. Joachim Gruber, München
Professor Dr. Klaus Grubmüller, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Hartmut Günther, Köln
Professor Dr. Georg Guntermann, Trier
Professor Dr. Harald Gutschow, Berlin
Professor Dr. Dieter Gutzen, Hagen
Professor Dr. Theo Haack, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Reinhard Habel, Marburg
Professor Dr. Reinhard Halm, Jena
Professor Dr. Christian Hannick, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Günter Häntschel, München
Professor Dr. Heinz Happ, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Manfred Hardt, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Harms, München
Professor Dr. Christiaan Hart-Nibbrig, Lausanne
Professor Dr. Roland Harweg, Bochum
Professor Dr. Frank Rutger Hausmann, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Friederike Haussauer, Wien
Professor Dr. Roland Hausser, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Thomas Haye, Kiel
Professor Dr. Herbert Heckmann, Darmstadt
Professor Dr. Eckhard Heftrich, Münster
Professor Dr. Jürgen Hein, Münster
Professor Dr. Joachim Heinzle, Marburg
Professor Dr. Walter Heissig, Bonn
Professor Dr. Konrad Heldmann, Kiel
Professor Dr. Marlies Hellinger, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Hans Helmcke, Mainz
Professor Dr. Wido Hempel, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Klaus W. Hempfer, Berlin
Professor Dr. Arthur Henkel, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Gert Henrici, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Urs Herzog, Zürich
Professor Dr. Rainer Hess, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Heinrich Hettrich, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Renate von Heydebrand, München
Professor Dr. Titus Heydenreich, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Reiner Hildebrandt, Marburg
Professor Dr. Bruno Hillebrand, Mainz
Professor Dr. Rüdiger Hillgärtner, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Hans Hinterhäuser, Wien
Professor Dr. Hermann Hofer, Marburg
Professor Dr. Werner Hoffmann, Mannheim
Professor Dr. Peter Uwe Hohendahl, Ithaca, N.Y.
Professor Dr. Walter Höllerer, Berlin
Professor Dr. Märba Asdahl Holmberg, Göteborg
Professor Dr. Achim Hölter, Münster
Professor Dr. Niklas Holzberg, München
Professor Dr. Harwig Hörner, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Ulrich Horstmann, Gießen
Professor Dr. Heribert Horz, Mainz
Professor Dr. Johannes Hösle, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Walter Huber, Aachen
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Huber, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich, Jena
Professor Dr. Axel Hübler, Jena
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Hübner, Münster
Professor Dr. Theodor Ickler, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Rüdiger Imhof, Wuppertal
Professor Dr. Heinz Gerd Ingenkamp, Bonn
Professor Dr. Hans Dietrich Irmscher, Köln
Professor Dr. Jürgen Jacobs, Wuppertal
Professor Dr. Ludwig Jäger, Aachen
Professor Dr. Otto Jänicke, Marburg
Professor Dr. Johannes Janota, Augsburg
Professor Dr. Otto Jastrow, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Herbert Jaumann, Greifswald
Professor Dr. Walter Jens, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Helmut Jochems, Siegen
Professor Dr. Lars Johanson, Mainz
Professor Dr. Dietrich Jöns, Mannheim
Professor Dr. Sven-Aage Jörgensen, Kopenhagen
Professor Dr. Robert Julien, Brest
Professor Dr. Herrmann Jungraithmayr, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Dieter Kafitz, Mainz
Professor Dr. Joachim Kaiser, München
Professor Dr. Ursula Kaplony-Heckel, Marburg
Professor Dr. Dieter Kartschoke, Berlin
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Kasack, Köln
Professor Dr. Hans Käsmann, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Werner Keller, Köln
Professor Dr. Heinrich P. Kelz, Bonn
Professor Dr. Friedhelm Kemp, München
Professor Dr. Christine Keßler, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Marianne Kesting, Köln
Professor Dr. Uwe-Karsten Ketelsen, Bochum
Professor Dr. Bernd Kielhöfer, Bonn
Professor Dr. Helmut Kiesel, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Kleiber, Mainz
Professor Dr. Albert Klein, Dortmund
Professor Dr. Jürgen Klein, Greifswald
Professor Dr. Erich Kleinschmidt, Köln
Professor Dr. Heinz Klingenberg, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Gerd Klingenschmitt, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Gottfried Klöhn, Koblenz-Landau
Professor Dr. Günther Klotz, Berlin
Professor Dr. Gerhard Klussmann, Bochum
Professor Dr. Fritz Peter Knapp, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. G. Knauer, University of Pennsylvania
Professor Dr. Johann Knobloch, Bonn
Professor Dr. Ulrich Knoop, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Hans-Albrecht Koch, Bremen/Berlin
Professor Dr. Johannes Koder, Wien
Professor Dr. Norbert Kohl, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Klaus Kohler, Kiel
Professor Dr. Lothar Köhn, Münster
Professor Dr. Adolf Köhnken, Münster
Professor Dr. Ekkehard König, Berlin
Professor Dr. Werner König, Augsburg
Professor Dr. Helmut Koopmann, Augsburg
Professor Dr. Gerhard Köpf, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Werner von Koppenfels, München
Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Koppitz, Mainz
Professor Dr. Michael Korhammer, München
Professor Dr. Gustav Korlén, Stockholm
Professor Dr. Bernd Kortmann, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Heinz Kosok, Wuppertal
Professor Dr. Jens-Peter Köster, Trier
Professor Dr. Thomas Köves-Zulauf, Marburg
Professor Dr. Herbert Kraft, Münster
Professor Dr. Günter Kratzel, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Martin Krause, Münster
Professor Dr. M. Krebernick, Jena
Professor Dr. Roland Krebs, Paris
Professor Dr. Michael Krejci, Jena
Professor Dr. Hans Joachim Kreutzer, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Heinz Kröll, Mainz
Professor Dr. Dieter Kron, Göteborg
Professor Dr. Uta Kron, Jena
Professor Dr. Hans-Otto Kröner, Trier
Professor Dr. Manfred Kropp, Mainz
Professor Dr. Hans-Henrik Krummacher, Mainz
Professor Dr. Horst Kruse, Münster
Professor Dr. Hartmut Kugler, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Kühlmann, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Kullmann, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Paul Kunitzsch, München
Professor Dr. Heinrich Kunstmann, München
Professor Dr. Hermann Kurzke, Mainz
Professor Dr. Michael Lackner, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Ewald Lang, Berlin
Professor Dr. Jürgen Lang, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Marc Laureys, Bonn
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Leiner, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Jürgen Lenerz, Köln
Professor Dr. Birgit Lermen, Köln
Professor Dr. Rolf Lessenich, Bonn
Professor Dr. Hans-Heinrich Lieb, Berlin
Professor Dr. Godo Lieberg, Siena
Professor Dr. Elisabeth Lienert, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Siegfried Lienhard, Stockholm
Professor Dr. Gudula Linck, Kiel
Professor Dr. Irene Lindgren, Örebro
Professor Dr. Franz Link, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Lippert, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Erika Lorenz, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Erich Lüddeckens, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Otto Ludwig, Hannover
Professor Dr. Walter Ludwig, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Rosemarie Lühr, Jena
Professor Dr. Angelika Lutz, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Dennis F. Maherey, University of Vermont
Professor Dr. Hans-Joachim Mähl, Kiel
Professor Dr. Christine Maillard, Straßburg
Professor Dr. Klaus Manger, Jena
Professor Dr. Eberhard Mannack, Kiel
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Martens, München
Professor Dr. Edgar Mass, Leipzig
Professor Dr. Josip Matesic, Mannheim
Professor Dr. Gert Mattenklott, Berlin
Professor Dr. Karl Maurer, Bochum
Professor Dr. Wolfram Mauser, Freiburg
Professor Dr. W. Mayer, Münster
Professor Dr. Johannes Mehlig, Halle-Wittenberg
Professor Dr. Johann Meichel, Mainz
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Meid, Innsbruck
Professor Dr. Eckhard Meineke, Jena
Professor Dr. Gerhard Meiser, Halle-Wittenberg
Professor Dr. Hubertus Menke, Kiel
Professor Dr. Gilbert Merlin, Paris
Professor Dr. Volker Mertens, Berlin
Professor Dr. Uwe Meves, Oldenburg
Professor Dr. Siegfried Mews, University of North Carolina
Professor Dr. Theo Meyer, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Peter Michelsen, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Mieder, University of Vermont
Professor Dr. Christoph Miething, Münster
Professor Dr. Ulrich Mölk, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Peter von Moss, Münster
Professor Dr. Heinz-Joachim Müllenbrock, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Carl-Werner Müller, Saarbrücken
Professor Dr. Kurt Müller, Jena
Professor Dr. Walter W. Müller, Marburg
Professor Dr. Wolfgang W. Müller, Jena
Professor Dr. Walter Müller-Seidel, München
Professor Dr. Horst Haider Munske, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Adolf Muschg, Zürich
Professor Dr. Helmut Müssener, Stockholm
Professor Dr. Tilman Nagel, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Nelly Naumann, München
Professor Dr. Wolfram Naumann, München
Professor Dr. Norbert Nebes, Jena
Professor Dr. Erich Neu, Bochum
Professor Dr. Karl August Neuhausen, Bonn
Professor Dr. Gerhard Neumann, München
Professor Dr. Peter Horst Neumann, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Sebastian Neumeister, Berlin
Professor Dr. Hans-Josef Niederehe,
Professor Dr. Günter Niggl, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Renate Noll-Wiemann, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Peter Nusser, Berlin
Professor Dr. Norbert Oellers, Bonn
Professor Dr. Wulf Oesterreicher, München
Professor Dr. Hubert Ohl, Münster
Professor Dr. Günther Öhlschläger, Leipzig
Professor Dr. Susan Olsen, Leipzig
Professor Dr. Kurt Otten, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Walter Pache, Augsburg
Professor Dr. Baldur Panzer, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Edgar Papp, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Christoph Perels, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Hubert Petersmann, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Georg Pfligersdorffer, Saarbrücken
Professor Dr. Dietger Pforte, Berlin
Professor Dr. Helmut Pfotenhauer, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Hans Rudolf Picard, Konstanz
Professor Dr. Lothar Pikulik, Trier
Professor Dr. Heinrich F. Plett, Essen
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Pöckl, Mainz
Professor Dr. Peter von Polenz, Trier
Professor Dr. Bernard Polowi, Paris
Professor Dr. Uwe Pörksen, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Hans Pörnbacher, München
Professor Dr. Horst Prießnitz, Wuppertal
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Putschke, Marburg
Professor Dr. Horst P. Pütz, Kiel
Professor Dr. Fidel Rädle, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Klaus Ramm, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Rau, Marburg
Professor Dr. Gérard Raulet, Fontenay-St. Cloud
Professor Dr. Klaus Reichert, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Hans Reinhardt, Siegen
Professor Dr. Hartmut Reinhardt, Trier
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Rettig, Düsseldorf
Professor Dr. Gert Rickheit, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Volker Riedel, Jena
Professor Dr. Dietmar Rieger, Gießen
Professor Dr. Rudolf Rieks, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Lea Ritter-Santini, Münster
Professor Dr. Rupprecht Rohr, Mannheim
Professor Dr. Klaus Röhrborn, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Lutz Röhrich, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Heinz Rölleke, Wuppertal
Professor Dr. Hans-Gert Roloff, Berlin
Professor Dr. Ruth Römer, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Hans Rössing, Marburg
Professor Dr. Monika Rössing-Hager, Marburg
Professor Dr. Hans Rothe, Düsseldorf
Professor Dr. Uwe Ruberg, Mainz
Professor Dr. Alain Ruiz, Bordeaux
Professor Dr. Laurits Saltveit, Oslo
Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Sasse, Köln
Professor Dr. Hans Schabram, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Dieter Schaller, Bonn
Professor Dr. Helmut Schaller, Marburg
Professor Dr. Heinz Schanze, Marburg
Professor Dr. Gerhard Schaub, Trier
Professor Dr. Thomas M. Scheerer, Augsburg
Professor Dr. Manfred Scheler, Berlin
Professor Dr. Maximilian Scherner, Münster
Professor Dr. Kurt Schier, München
Professor Dr. Jost Schillemeit, Braunschweig
Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Schings, Berlin
Professor Dr. Karl-Heinz Schirmer, Kiel
Professor Dr. Horst Dieter Schlosser, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Elisabeth Schmid, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Karl Horst Schmidt, Bonn
Professor Dr. Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler, Wien
Professor Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Wolfenbüttel
Professor Dr. Ruth Schmidt-Wiegand, Münster
Professor Dr. Christian Schmitt, Bonn
Professor Dr. Hans-Günther Schmitz, Kiel
Professor Dr. Sylvia Schmitz, Aachen
Professor Dr. H. J. Schnackerts, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Gérard Schneilin, Paris
Professor Dr. Ralf Schnell, Siegen
Professor Dr. Rüdiger Schnell, Basel
Professor Dr. Udo Scholz, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Erich Schön, Köln
Professor Dr. Albrecht Schöne, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Helga Schreckenberger, University of Vermont
Professor Dr. Hans Joachim Schrimpf, Bochum
Professor Dr. Jürgen Schröder, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Klaus Schröter, Columbia University
Professor Dr. Robert Schröter, Bochum
Professor Dr. Brigitte Schultze, Mainz
Professor Dr. Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus, Graz
Professor Dr. Ursula Schulze, Berlin
Professor Dr. Hans Schumacher, Berlin
Professor Dr. Heinrich Schützingen, Bonn
Professor Dr. Günther Schweikle, Stuttgart
Professor Dr. Schwinge, Kiel
Professor Dr. Anton Schwob, Graz
Professor Dr. Michael Scottin-Rosin, Mainz
Professor Dr. David Scrase, University of Vermont
Professor Dr. Klaus von See, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Gustav Adolf Seeck, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Dieter Seelbach, Mainz
Professor Dr. Hubert Seelow, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Wulf Segebrecht, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Bernd Seidensticker, Berlin
Professor Dr. Tilman Seidensticker, Jena
Professor Dr. Margret Selting, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Martin Sicherl, Münster
Professor Dr. Siegfried Singer, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Broney Skogström, Boras
Professor Dr. Walter Slaje, Halle-Wittenberg
Professor Dr. Eberhard Späth, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Anton Spitaler, München
Professor Dr. Karl Stackmann, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Astrid Stedje, Umea
Professor Dr. Hartmut Steinecke, Paderborn
Professor Dr. Peter Steinmetz, Saarbrücken
Professor Dr. Wolf-Dieter Stempel, München
Professor Dr. Stenzel, Braunschweig
Professor Dr. Ursula Stephany, Köln
Professor Dr. Christian Stetter, Aachen
Professor Dr. Karl Stocker, München
Professor Dr. André Stoll, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Joachim Storck, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Peter Strohschneider, Dresden
Professor Dr. Ingrid Strohschneider-Kohrs, München
Professor Dr. Christoph Strosetzki, Münster
Professor Dr. Klaus Strunk, München
Professor Dr. Peter Suchsland, Jena
Professor Dr. Werner Suerbaum, München
Professor Dr. Hans Szklenar, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Horst Taute, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Elmar Ternes, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Peter Thiergen, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Gabriele Thome, Berlin
Professor Dr. Heinrich Tiefenbach, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Stephan N. Trautes, Jena
Professor Dr. Klaus Trost, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Hans Jürgen Tschiedel, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Gert Ueding, Tübingen
Professor Dr. Claus Uhlig, Marburg
Professor Dr. Rolf Ulbrich, Berlin
Professor Dr. Ulrich Unger, Münster
Professor Dr. Siegfried Unseld, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Ferdinand Urbanek, Duisburg
Professor Dr. Jean M. Valentin, Paris
Professor Dr. Vanossthuyse, Montpellier
Professor Dr. Werner H. Veith, Mainz
Professor Dr. Theo Vennemann, München
Professor Dr. Helga Venzlaff, Mainz
Professor Dr. Theodor Verweyen, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Meinolf Vielberg, Jena
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Viereck, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Andrzej de Vincenz, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Claus Vogel, Bonn
Professor Dr. Ernst Vogt, München
Professor Dr. Gregor Vogt-Spira, Greifswald
Professor Dr. Herbert Voitl, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Ludwig Völker, Münster
Professor Dr. Klaus Vondung, Siegen
Professor Dr. Rudolf Voß, Mainz
Professor Dr. Rainer Voßen, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Franz Peter Waiblinger, München
Professor Dr. Gerd Wolfgang Weber, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Erwin Wedel, Regensburg
Professor Dr. Heide Wegener, Potsdam
Professor Dr. Winfried Wehle, Eichstätt
Professor Dr. Susanne Weigelin-Schwidrzik, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Eckhard Weiher, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Harald Weinrich, Paris
Professor Dr. P. Weiß, Kiel
Professor Dr. Günther Weydt, Münster
Professor Dr. Conrad Wiedemann, Berlin
Professor Dr. Herbert Ernst Wiegand, Heidelberg
Professor Dr. Peter Wiehl, Bochum
Professor Dr. Götz Wienold, Dokkyo University, Japan
Professor Dr. Richard Wiese, Marburg
Professor Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm, München
Professor Dr. Gunther Witting, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Reinhard Wittmann, München
Professor Dr. Antonie Wlosok, Mainz
Professor Dr. Georg Wöhrle, Trier
Professor Dr. Alois Wolf, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Reinhold Wolff, Bielefeld
Professor Dr. Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt
Professor Dr. Alfred Wollmann, Köln
Professor Dr. Theodor Wolpers, Göttingen
Professor Dr. Franz Josef Worstbrock, München
Professor Dr. Peter Wunderli, Düsseldorf
Professor Dr. Stefan Bodo Würffel, Freiburg
Professor Dr. Natascha Würzbach, Köln
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Ullrich Wurzel, Berlin
Professor Dr. Dieter Wuttke, Bamberg
Professor Dr. Ulrich Wyss, Erlangen
Professor Dr. Karl-Theodor Zauzich, Würzburg
Professor Dr. Bernhard Zeller, Marbach
Professor Dr. Jean-Marie Zemb, Paris
Professor Dr. Stefan Zimmer, Bonn
Professor Dr. Christian Zimmermann, Köln
Professor Dr. Hans Dieter Zimmermann, Berlin
Professor Dr. Herbert Zirker, Trier
Professor Dr. Otto Zwierlein, Bonn
Alle diese sollten sich vereinigen, um eine Sammelklage gegen mich zu erheben, wegen Ehrbeleidigung: Denn ich nenne sie Feiglinge, allesamt (Herrn Ickler exklusiv).